Wednesday 27th November


11:15 – 12:00
Coffee and Registration in the Sandringham Suite

12:00 – 12:05
Welcome & Opening Remarks

John Harrison
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership

12:05 – 12:35
Keynote Speaker: It’s the economy (and public finances), stupid…
The new Government has a huge challenge in getting the public finances on track and securing economic growth. What is the true state of the nation and what opportunities and challenges do the Government have in delivering against its economic priorities? And what does this all mean for the pensions sector as the Government looks to pension fund money to secure some of its key objectives?

Paul Johnson
Institute for Fiscal Studies

12:35 – 13:15
Panel: The economic and political outlook
Our power panel looks at some of the key macro and political drivers that will determine the investment outlook over the short and medium term. What does the Budget and the Government’s economic policy mean for pension fund investment? How will international events such as the US election and the various geopolitical crises impact economic developments. We will be discussing all this and more in this interactive panel discussion.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Paul Johnson
Institute for Fiscal Studies

Catherine McFadyen
Head of Pensions
Hymans Robertson

Richard Tomlinson
Chief Investment Officer


13:15 – 14:00
Lunch in the Sandringham Suite


14:00 – 14:20
Presentation: Answering new questions
A new US President, a new UK budget and the start of a global rate-cutting cycle. Many of the questions we debated in 2024 have been answered. However, every answer brings a new set questions. In this session, our speaker will share insights on the economic, political and monetary landscape and explore the implications for markets and opportunities for investors as we head into 2025.

Ritu Vohora
Investment Specialist, Capital Markets
T. Rowe Price

14:20 – 15:00
Panel: Unlocking potential – emerging market opportunities and trends
As pension funds seek higher returns and increased diversification, emerging markets present compelling opportunities. This session explores the latest trends and growth potential within these dynamic economies, focusing on key regions and sectors poised for strong performance. We will discuss the risks and rewards of investing in emerging markets, including demographic shifts, economic reforms, and technological advancements driving growth. We will gain a deeper understanding of how pension funds can capitalise on these opportunities while managing associated risks, ensuring long-term sustainability and growth.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Will Ballard
Head of Equities
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership

15:00 – 15:20
Presentation: Seizing the moment – opportunities in value investing for pension funds
In an environment of market volatility and economic uncertainty, value investing offers pension funds a time-tested strategy for identifying undervalued assets with strong potential for long-term growth. We will look at the principles of value investing, focusing on how pension funds can uncover hidden gems within their equity portfolio.

Paul Fairbrother
Institutional Equity Portfolio Manager
MFS Investment Management

15:20 – 15:40
Interview: Currency matters – dancing to a different tune
Delving deeper into our previous DG Publishing conference themes, we will take a deeper look into the question “does currency matter?”. This update for sterling-based pension funds, will show what has hurt, and what has helped your portfolio (and by how much). We compare the significantly different outcomes between passive and managed currency approaches, and highlight some of the more recent drivers of currency movements to identify methods to transform your existing risk into potential profit opportunities that can be used to improve cash flow and pay pensions.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Bruce D. George
Investment Solutions
P/E Investments


15:40 – 16:00
Coffee in the Sandringham Suite


16:00 – 16:20
Presentation: Unlocking opportunities in sustainable and thematic equities
Thematic investing has more than doubled in recent years, as investors want to benefit from structural opportunities like AI, climate, and sustainable food. At its best, it gives investors direct access to the most attractive investments opportunities, while at its worst, it can leave you waiting for the promises to pan out. To combat this risk, this section will provide a 7-parameter framework to evaluate the attractiveness of thematic opportunities while giving our view about the most attractive opportunities today.

Martin Frandsen
Portfolio Manager Global Equities
Principal Asset Management

16:20 – 17:00
Keynote Presentation: The regulatory roadmap
Nausicaa Delfas sets out her vision for the pensions industry. TPR has been clear on its three priorities: ensuring all DC savers receive value for money, helping DB schemes secure their future, and enabling high-quality trustees to make the right decisions for their members powered by good data. But what does that mean for trustees, schemes and their advisors? Find out more in this interactive session where you’ll not only hear from the regulator on the future of workplace pensions, but also get the chance to ask your questions too.

Nausicaa Delfas
Chief Executive
The Pensions Regulator

17:00 – 17:10
Devil’s Advocate Summaries

17:10 – 17:20
Closing Remarks

John Harrison
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership


19:00 – 21:00
Dinner in the Library

Thursday 28th November


Devil’s Advocates – Morning
Robert Branagh, Trustee, Creative Pension Trust


08:15 – 09:00
Coffee and Registration in the Sandringham Suite

09:00 – 09:05
Opening Remarks

John Harrison
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership

09:05 – 09:45
Panel: The future of pensions
In this session our industry heavy hitters will give their takes on what is in store for the pensions industry for the next Parliament. We’ll look at the key political and policy drivers for reform and discuss what it means for the future shape and structure of our industry – from consolidation to productive finance, to value for money and delivering better member outcomes – this session will discuss it all.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Patrick Heath-Lay
People’s Partnership

Joanne Segars
LGPS Central

09:45 – 10:05
Presentation: How Western firms can become offtakers to drive nature-led investing
Join us for an insightful discussion on the dynamics of working with Western corporations in nature-regeneration projects to support their decarbonisation targets. The session will explore key challenges that such firms have in terms of meeting their science-based, net-zero targets and how nature-led investing in regenerative agriculture projects can help. Pension plans investing in and facilitating this process can benefit from multi-year contracts from these corporates, under which they buy the output of the regenerative projects. This offers pension schemes strong potential returns and nature, climate and social outcomes. We will discuss why nature is key for such companies, and what they look for in a partner to help them manage climate risk by restoring nature.

Morten Rossé
Head of Nature and Climate
Lombard Odier Investment Managers

10:05 – 10:25
Presentation: Conventional and unconventional wisdom in direct lending
As private credit has grown in size and adoption over the past few years, with new entrants and heightened competition from the syndicated market, investors need to navigate new challenges as the asset class matures. Our speaker will be discussing the evolution of private credit. Recent headlines on underwriting standards, how the various segments of the direct lending market differ on a risk-reward basis, new offerings and liquidity considerations will all be addressed.

Antonia O’Connor
Managing Director
Blue Owl

10:25 – 11:05
Roundtable Discussion: Good administration, the backbone of pensions…
This roundtable explores the crucial role of pension administration in delivering accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. We will dive into the importance of data quality, the role of technology and digitalisation, and meeting regulatory obligations all while considering how to improve the member experience. Whether in-house or outsourced, administration is key to the success of every pension scheme.

Nick Reeve
Pensions Expert


11:05 – 11:30
Coffee in the Sandringham Suite


11:30 – 11:50
Presentation: A power struggle: investment opportunities in infrastructure credit
We are facing a power struggle: climate goals and decarbonisation trends are catalysing the need for clean energy and energy transition solutions, but global conflict raises question marks on energy security and deglobalisation which has driven countries to go back to black (coal). This struggle plays out in an era where data centres and artificial intelligence advances make us increasingly hungry for more energy. How can we as investors navigate this mega trend and what are investment opportunities?

Charlotte Daelemans
MD, Senior Real Assets Specialist, Global Client Group, UK

11:50 – 12:10
Interview: Calculating the value of impact investing

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Speaker to be confirmed: Bluefield Partners

12:10 – 12:40
Panel: Aiming for the north star – setting realistic net zero goals and delivering against them
As the urgency to combat climate change intensifies, pension funds are increasingly focusing on aligning their investment strategies with net zero emissions targets. This session will guide attendees through the process of setting achievable net zero goals, tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities faced by pension funds. We will look at practical insights on creating actionable roadmaps, measuring progress, and overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of these ambitious targets while not sacrificing scheme returns.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Frances Deakin
Head of Responsible Investment

Nick Dixon
Head of Pensions
Avon Pension Fund

Gustave Loriot
Compass Insights

12:40 – 13:00
Presentation: Regulated affordable housing – enhancing the supply of genuinely affordable homes
Decent homes that are available and affordable are the foundation for a good life and a strong economy. We are now living through an acute housing emergency; and a historic failure to build a sufficient number of new homes, along with other structural factors, has led to a chronic undersupply of Affordable housing in various areas across the country. Private investment is essential to provide safe, secure, and genuinely Affordable homes needed to address social inequality and meet local housing needs. Join us to learn how institutional investors can play a crucial role in fulfilling this housing demand while creating positive, long-term social impact.

Kirill Zavodov
Executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager


13:00 – 14:00
Lunch in Hillfield


Devil’s Advocates – Afternoon
Bola Tobun, Interim Pension Fund Accountancy Manager, London Borough of Southwark


14:00 – 14:40
Panel: Unlocking sustainable growth – the role of natural capital in pension fund investments
As the focus on sustainability intensifies, pension funds are increasingly exploring investment in natural capital as a way to enhance returns while delivering a positive environmental impact. This panel will delve into how natural capital—spanning forests, oceans, biodiversity, and ecosystems—offers both financial and ecological benefits. We will also look at how natural capital investments can balance fiduciary responsibility with positive environmental impact.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Alex Godfrey
Investment Director – Natural Capital
Octopus Investments

Speaker to be confirmed: Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners

14:40 – 15:00
Interview: Investing in natural capital – transforming landscapes for a resilient future
UK rural land investment has historically exhibited low volatility and can act as a diversifier for institutional portfolios. The 21st century demands a significant transition of UK rural land sector. A holistic assessment of opportunities is required to improve land management and identify higher and better uses to generate attractive risk adjusted returns. Furthermore, the strategic management of natural capital assets can help deliver on a wide range of societal needs such as improving food security, creating carbon sinks and uplifting biodiversity.

John Harrison
Summit Chair

Andrew Dreaneen
Head of Natural Capital
Savills Investment Management

15:00 – 15:40
Panel: DB schemes – to end game or not endgame – that is the question
Just a few years back the only game in town for defined benefit schemes was buy out. But things have changed and changed fast. While buy out is still an attractive option, we’ve seen the emergence of defined benefit consolidators and mastertrusts and many schemes are now considering run on. What will be best for sponsoring employers and members and how will this end up playing out?


15:40 – 16:00
Coffee in the Sandringham Suite


16:00 – 16:30
Discussion: The countdown is on… dashboards are coming… are consumers ready?
We’ve been talking about pensions dashboards for years now, but are we nearing the end of the beginning? In this session the Freeman-Smith double act will talk through what to expect and what will make dashboards a success. From a focus on getting the data and plumbing right to thinking about user experience this session will bring delegates up to date with latest developments while covering the essential elements that will determine whether dashboards really deliver for millions of consumers of different types.

Martin Freeman

Richard Smith
Independent Consultant
Pensions Dashboard

16:30 – 17:10
Keynote Speaker: What will the UK pension fund sector look like 10 years from now?

17:10 – 17:20
Devil’s Advocate Summaries

17:20 – 17:30
Closing Remarks

John Harrison
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership


17:30 – 18:30
Drinks Reception and Canapés

19:00 – 21:00
Dinner in Parkview Combined with After Dinner Speaker

Michaela Strachan

One of TVs best loved wildlife presenters.