Laura Chappell
Brunel Pensions PartnershipCEO
Laura’s primary focus is on ensuring Brunel achieves its objectives as a fund manager and asset owner. Within that remit, she also wants to see companies improve their sustainability, embedding it in their culture and their broader strategy, so that long-term profitability goes hand-in-hand with being a force for good in the world.
She has over 25 years’ experience within asset management. The majority of this has been within institutional fund management, most notably eight years at Barclays Global Investors (now BlackRock), and subsequently at M&G, Schroders and Brewin Dolphin. Laura graduated from Exeter University with a BSc in Biology with Chemistry.
Laura’s ambition is to see Brunel set a pioneering example in responsible and sustainable investing, so that it can challenge the broader fund management industry to place sustainability at the heart of investing.