John Harrison
Adviser, Border to Coast Pensions PartnershipSymposium Chair
John has over 35 years’ experience in UK institutional investment. He spent most of his fund management career with UBS Asset Management. From 2005 to 2010 John was UK Chief Investment Officer and also headed the Multi-Asset team and UK Institutional business.
Since 2010, John has embraced plurality. At various times he has been an adviser to four LGPS pension funds, a Partner at Aon Hewitt, a Director in the Henderson Multi-Asset team, head of the UK advisor network at MJ Hudson Allenbridge and a Visiting Professor at Cass Business School. In 2018 John served as Interim Chief Investment Officer at Border to Coast to help the asset pool establish its investment team. Between September 2019 and March 2020 he was Interim Chief Investment Officer for the British Airways Pension Fund, overseeing the management of pension fund assets in excess of £20 billion.