• We would be delighted to be able to quote you.
  • Please rate the following aspects from 1-5, where 1 is poor and 5 is excellent
  • 09:05 | Presentation: Megatrends – evolving demographics and economic growth
  • 09:25 | Presentation: Global equities: macro outlook
  • 09:45 | Panel: Opportunities in private markets
  • 10:25 | Roundtable Discussion: Changes in strategic asset allocation practice
  • 11:20 | Panel: Intriguing real asset projects
  • 12:00 | Presentation: Strategies for investing in energy transition infrastructure
  • 12:20 | Presentation: What’s driving growth in European data centre markets?
  • 12:40 | Presentation: Unloved, undervalued and misunderstood: the productive finance asset no-one is talking about
  • 13:00 | Devil's Advocate Summaries
  • 14:00 | Presentation: Local housing investing for the LGPS
  • 14:20 | Panel: Net zero
  • 15:00 | Roundtable Discussion: Satisfying the Government’s UK growth agenda
  • 15:55 | Presentation: Strategies for investing in energy transition infrastructure
  • 16:15 | Presentation: Why currency risk matters for LGPS
  • 16:35 | Panel: Natural capital
  • 17:15 | Devil's Advocate Summaries
  • Forum Chair