Tuesday 17th


16:30 – 18:00
Pre-conference discussion: The evolving role of the consultant
As the DB sector – both public and private – continues to evolve and mature, will the role of the consultant need to adapt? Our panel examines how consultants work with pension schemes and asks the question: what does the future of investment consulting look like?

Pete Smith
Principal and Head of Sustainable Investment
Barnett Waddingham

Dinner at La Vista


Wednesday 18th | Morning Sessions


Devil’s Advocates – Morning
Henry Tapper, Chair, AgeWage


08:30 – 09:00
Registration, coffee and early networking

09:00 – 09:05
Chair’s Opening Remarks

John Harrison
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership

09:05 – 09:25
Presentation: Pension reforms: what next?
We have a new Government, but does that mean a new approach to pensions? During this session, our speaker will discuss what the new government might mean for UK pension policy, and how this might impact Defined Benefit, LGPS and Defined Contribution pension schemes.

Rich Fox
Head of UK Public Policy

09:25 – 10:05
Panel: The changing nature of DB investment
There’s so much going on affecting defined benefit pensions: the focus on value; consolidation; mansion house; investing with impact and helping protect the planet; dealing with the continuing fallout from the gilt’s crisis, and the list could go on… but DB scheme’s funding positions are on the whole in rude health. Our expert panel will unpick the key forces that are driving change for public and private sector defined benefit schemes.

10:05 – 10:25
Presentation: Fixed income opportunities

Speaker to be confirmed: T. Rowe Price

10:25 – 10:45
Presentation: Snapping up UK small caps

Victoria Stevens
Fund Manager
Liontrust Asset Management

10:45 – 11:05
Interview: Implementing Mansion House reforms 
Mansion House has been the buzz phrase since the start of the year and is the UK Government’s attempt to create an alignment between pension scheme investments and driving forward the productive finance agenda, and, of course, UK economic growth. But what does this all mean? How should schemes view the Mansion House reforms especially when it comes to thinking about productive investments for their schemes? And what does it mean for scheme’s fiduciary responsibilities?


11:05 – 11:35


11:35 – 12:15
Panel: Credit & LGPS asset allocation
Our LGPS super panel with representatives from Scottish funds will look at some of the key asset allocation challenges in the LGPS. What’s hot, what’s not, and what should schemes be looking in delivering their approach to deliver better investment performance while delivering impact? This panel will explore that and more.

Eric Lambert
Independent Investment Adviser

Emmanuel Bocquet
Chief Investment Officer
Lothian Pension Fund

Laura Colliss
Pension Fund Manager
North East Scotland Pension Fund

Craig Scordellis
CIO Credit
Manulife CQS

12:15 – 13:00
Roundtable Discussion: Consolidation, consolidation, consolidation
Our roundtable discussion will unpick some of the key drivers and barriers to scheme consolidation across private and public sector DB schemes. What are the opportunities presented through consolidation? What are the barriers and concerns? Will incentives and a nudge to consolidation be enough, or will the government have to double down on mandating schemes to consolidate?


13:00 – 14:00

Wednesday 18th | Afternoon Sessions


14:00 – 14:30
Keynote presentation

Neil Bull
Executive Director of Market Oversight
The Pensions Regulator

14:30 – 15:10
Panel: Local impact investment solutions

15:10 – 15:30
Presentation: Private markets – measuring and managing market risk

15:30 – 16:10
Panel: Integrating natural capital into UK pension funds
We’re in an era marked by unprecedented environmental challenges and shifting economic landscapes. Investing in natural capital has emerged as a crucial strategy for delivering sustainable growth. Our panel will explore the opportunities, benefits and challenges associated with integrating natural capital into pension scheme investments.

Rebecca Craddock-Taylor
Director, Sustainable Investment
Gresham House

Pete Smith
Principal and Head of Sustainable Investment
Barnett Waddingham

Speaker to be confirmed: Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners


16:10 – 16:30


16:30 – 17:10
Panel: Bringing it all together – what the changing landscape means for schemes and scheme investments
Our final panel session of the day will hear from those at the coalface of dealing change across private and public sector DB. Is consolidation the panacea that politicians think it is? What does the economic and regulatory content mean for schemes and how will this evolve over the next 10 years?

17:10 – 17:20
Devil’s Advocate Summaries

17:20 – 17:30
Chair’s Closing Remarks

John Harrison
Border to Coast Pensions Partnership


17:30 – 18:30
Drinks Reception

Gala Dinner at Cameron House